207-688-8195 Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast

The Wood Supply Research Institute and the University of Georgia Center for Forest Business are studying the potential impacts on the US wood supply system from large-scale woody biomass energy production. One method of gathering information for this work is a short survey designed for logging contractors, industry foresters, and wood dealers who are on the frontlines of dealing with these new opportunities that could impact the wood supply system.

You are receiving this email because our logging association and the American Loggers Council supports this work and has identified you as someone who should have an opportunity to contribute your input through the survey. The survey is brief and should take you less than 15 minutes to complete. The survey can be accessed online at http://www.surveymonkey.com/WSRI/UGA.

If you have already completed this survey, thank you and please ignore this reminder. If you have not done so, please take time to complete this before the survey closes on May 18.

If you prefer a printed copy of the survey to complete, this can be requested by sending an email to Dale Greene (greene@warnell.uga.edu). You will be responsible for return postage with paper versions of the survey.

Thank you in advance for your time to help provide timely, real-world information to this important research project.