207-688-8195 Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast

PLC Events

PLC CDL Training June 26-28

On June 26-28, the PLC will offer Members its 2nd FREE CDL training class for their employees. 


  1. Employees attend a PLC 3-day class (In-person in Augusta, ME or live online) that covers the 30 topics that FMCSA requires from Regulation 380, App. A. (Theory)
  2. At the end of the class, the PLC submits the employee’s information for the state permit test (Maine and Vermont).
  3. The contractor will provide Behind-the-Wheel training and will schedule the state driving test with guidance from the PLC.

Below is a link to a short video about the training process.  

To enroll, please email Ben Grant at ben@plcloggers.org, with the name of your employee / employees that are interested in attending the training.  The deadline to sign up for the June CDL Training is June 14th. Space for the class will be limited to 10 in-person and 20 online, so sign up as soon as possible.

MLOFT Instructors Needed!

Are you a retired or former logging equipment operator? The PLC’s Mechanized Logging Operations and Forest Trucking (MLOFT) Program is looking for experienced operators to teach hands-on equipment operations this summer in Fairfield, ME. This will be one-on-one instruction in the woods, training the next generation of loggers. If you’re looking for a seasonal opportunity this summer, or recently retired, we offer competitive wages and benefits, including travel costs. MLOFT is looking for both buncher and processor operators and skilled crane and delimber operators. For details, please call or text Donald Burr at (207) 356-1541.

Acadia Insurance – “Timber Talks”

Members, Acadia Insurance will be holding two “Timber Talks” informational gatherings for those insured under the Acadia/PLC Safety Dividend program. Talks will be held from 3-5 p.m., Thursday July 11 in Howland, ME and from 9-11 a.m. Friday July 12 in St. Agatha.  All PLC members that have Acadia are encouraged to attend.  Registration instructions and additional information is available HERE.

More than 1300 trained during PLC’s 2024 Safety Trainings!

The PLC has concluded its 2024 Logger, Fleet and CPR Safety Training series and we are pleased to report more than 1,300 loggers and forest truckers from across the Northeast received training at sites in Maine and Vermont! Thank you to all who attended, to our PLC Member companies who hosted the trainings, to the instructors, and of course to the generous sponsors who made it all possible. Looking forward to another successful year in 2025 and stay safe out there!

Logging News

New USDOL Overtime Rule to Go into Effect July 1

The rule includes increases to the standard salary level, and provides for future updates every three years to reflect current earnings data.

The U.S. Department of Labor announced a final rule, Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees, which will take effect on July 1, 2024.

The final rule updates and revises the regulations issued under section 13(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act implementing the exemption from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements for executive, administrative, and professional (EAP) employees. Revisions include increases to the standard salary level and the highly compensated employee total annual compensation threshold, and a mechanism for the updating of these earnings thresholds to reflect current earnings data. While this new rule will take effect in Maine, Maine law does not have an exemption from overtime for highly compensated employees.


Employees are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime protections if they are employed in a bona fide executive, administrative, or professional capacity, as those terms are defined in the Department’s regulations at 29 CFR part 541. To fall within the EAP exemption, an employee generally must meet three tests:

  • be paid a salary, meaning that they are paid a predetermined and fixed amount that is not subject to reduction because of variations in the quality or quantity of work performed;
  • be paid at least a specified weekly salary level; and
  • primarily perform executive, administrative, or professional duties, as provided in the Department’s regulations.

The Department’s regulations also provide an alternative test for certain highly compensated employees who are paid a salary, earn above a higher total annual compensation level, and satisfy a minimal duties test.

The final rule will increase the standard salary level and the highly compensated employee total annual compensation threshold on the rule’s effective date on July 1, 2024, and on January 1, 2025, when changes in the methodologies used to calculate these levels become applicable. The final rule also provides for future updates of these levels every three years to reflect current earnings data.

How will this affect Maine?

When there is both a federal and state wage and hour law, whichever law is most protective is the enforced law. In this case, this means that the new federal rule will be enforced in Maine by the Maine Department of Labor beginning on July 1, 2024 – except for the exemption from overtime for highly compensated employees.

  • The current minimum salary in Maine is $816.35 per week.
  • The new minimum salary as of July 1, 2024 will be $844 per week.
  • The new minimum salary as of January 1, 2025 will be $1,128 per week.

More information on the rule can be found on the U.S. Department of Labor’s website: https://www.dol.gov/agencies/whd/overtime/rulemaking

The Logger’s Voice – Spring 2024 Edition

Maine’s Direct Link Loan Program

Are you a Master Logger® in Maine who is buying new equipment? Take advantage of the Direct Link Loan Program and get an interest rate reduction of up to 2% on qualifying equipment. Details of the program and how you can take advantage of it are below:

1. A Master Logger signs an Agreement with the Maine Forest Service (MFS), the bank submits Agreement to MFS, and it is approved by the MFS for the purchase of a new or new to them piece of qualifying equipment. (Cut to Length Harvesters and Forwarders, Tracked Feller Bunchers, Stroke Delimbers, Mulching Machines, Road Graders; also includes retrofitting of existing equipment like Flotation tires, Bogey wheels, harvester and processor heads; and Miscellaneous purchases like Metal and Wooden Bridges, Bottomless arches, and sediment and erosion control products) Purchases are considered on a case by case basis, with eligibility based on whether the equipment facilitates the implementation of Best Management Practices.

**Equipment that is NOT eligible: Grapple Skidders, Pull-Thru Delimbers, Tree-to-Tree Feller Bunchers. 

2. The Master Logger gets a loan from a participating bank. (See list below) Example: Loan is for $500,000 at current bank interest rate (ex. 7.00%). Contractor can have multiple loans but can’t exceed the $800,000 aggregate limit allowed by the program.

3. The Master Logger is given an interest rate subsidy (reduction) of 1.50% (up to 2%) – the same amount as the *CD rate for as long as they continue to qualify for the program.

Example: 7.00% loan interest rate less 1.50% rate subsidy = 5.50 effective rate.

The following banks participate in the direct link loan program.

**Note: Maine Municipal Bond Bank buys a $500,000 CD for up to five years from bank for up to 2.00% less than the bank’s going CD rate matching the term of the loan. Ex. 1.50 % – (up to 2%)

Don’t see your bank on the list? Reach out and encourage them to get involved.

Not yet Master Logger® Certified? Email Sydney at sydney@tcnef.org, call (207)-688-8195, opt. 2 or visit masterloggercertification.com.

 For more information, click here for the Direct Link Loan Program.

Safety & Educational Resources

Workplace safety and labor law requirements can seem complex – join the Maine Department of Labor for no-cost upcoming trainings!

Upcoming classes:

Confined Space Entry – General Industry –

June 4, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

A confined space has limited or restrictive openings for assessing the space and is not meant for continuous use by workers.  OSHA uses the term “permit-required confined space” (permit-space) to describe a confined space in which workers are exposed to serious hazards within a confined space.  Employers must be able to determine if a confined space is permit-required.  In this half-day course, attendees will learn how to evaluate confined spaces, monitor them during use, and set up rescue procedures.

Confined Space Rescue Planning – General Industry & Construction –

June 6, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

This six-hour classroom presentation will include a review of the rescue requirements found in 1910.146 Permit-required Confined Spaces in Section K, Rescue and Emergency services from 1926.1200, and Confined Spaces in Construction in Section 1211, Rescue. Planning for rescue includes identification and classification of spaces, hazard identification, elimination and control, training, and equipment. It also includes site/space-specific procedures (SOPs) and checklists as well as training and exercises. A review of the highlights of Chapter 10, Rescue in NFPA 350, a guide for safe confined-space entry, and of Chapter 5, Confined Space Rescue in NFPA 1670 will also be presented.

Establishing or Improving Your Safety and Health Committee –

June 11, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

This one-day class will assist in establishing or improving your safety committee. This class will give you the skills to put a dynamic committee together or strengthen the work of existing teams. It will provide models for hazard assessment, incident investigation, “near-miss” reporting, OSHA regulations, facility inspections and required training. It will help you analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your program and give you a game plan for greater success. 

Wage & Hour Compliance –

June 12, 2024 I 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

This course is designed for human resource or benefits professionals, accountants, business owners, managers, or payroll supervisors. Labor laws can be complex. This seminar covers wage and hour laws, including minimum wage, overtime, youth employment, severance pay, equal pay, rest breaks, leave requirements (earned paid leave, family medical leave, family sick leave and leave for victims of violence). This class addresses commonly asked labor-related questions.

Van Safety –

June 13, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.  SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

This course emphasizes the issues and concerns related to passenger van operation and appropriate defensive driving techniques to reduce the potential for property damage, injury, or death. You will also learn about motor vehicle laws and resources for teaching traffic safety awareness.

Machine Guarding –

June 14, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

Participants in this half-day class will learn about the standards for metal and woodworking machines, as well as various machine-guarding techniques. We will apply basic guarding practices when specific issues aren’t covered in the regulation.  OSHA Subpart O will be covered. 

Safety & Health Management Systems –

June 20, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

Successful safety and health programs are more than just compliance with the OSHA standards. Injuries and illnesses are reduced when employers possess common elements to identify and address safety and health hazards. This course outlines roles and responsibilities, common principles, required functions and programs of a successful safety and health management system. This course prepares organizations who would like to pursue SHARP/SHAPE.

Developing & Conducting Assessments, Audits, and Inspections –

June 21, 2024 I 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. SafetyWorks! Training Institute, 45 Commerce Drive, Augusta

Identifying and analyzing hazards are key elements to an effective safety and health system. This training explores the methods to assess the workplace for hazards and implement controls to effectively control them. This half-day course looks at PPE assessment, behavioral and program audits, as well as equipment-specific and facility inspections.

 Register and browse more SafetyWorks! classes: https://www.safetyworksmaine.gov/training/scheduled_classes/register.shtml

SafetyWorks! is also a host site for the Region 1 OSHA Training Institute Education Center.  The next class will be:

 June 17, 2024   470 Electrical Safe Work Practices & Update to NFPA 70E

 June 18, 2024  7115 Lockout/Tagout

 June 25-28, 2024  2264 Permit Required Confined Space Rescue

To register go to https://oshaedne.com/osha-470/ or https://oshaedne.com/osha-7115/ or https://oshaedne.com/osha-2264/.

or call 800-449-6742.  Please note, these classes have a registration fee to attend.

 If you have questions about safety or upcoming classes, reach out to SafetyWorks! at 1-877-SAFE-345 or general.bls-safetyworks@maine.gov.

If you have questions about Wage and Hour compliance, please reach out to the Wage and Hour Division at 207-623-7900 or bls.mdol@maine.gov, or visit www.maine.gov/labor/bls/

New Small PLC Operator/Driver First Aid Pack!

In response to demand for a smaller/”must have in an emergency” first aid pack to be stored in a machine or pickup, the PLC has created a new Operator/Driver First Aid Pack.

  • Contains “must have in an emergency” bleeding control items 
  • One pack is recommended per machine/truck 
  • Detachable velcro panel ideal for mounting in a machine or truck
  • Meets OSHA requirements for a logging first aid kit
  • Supplements PLC’s larger first aid back pack but is not a replacement

The PLC Member price is $69 plus tax and shipping (if it is not picked up by the contractor or delivered by the PLC). Color RED

More information on the pack and its contents is available HERE. 

Get yours now by clicking HERE!


PLC Crew First Aid Backpack

PLC First Aid Pack: In response to widespread interest from members, we have created a PLC First Aid Pack that has everything you need for emergencies in the woods. This Military Elite Tactical Trauma First Aid Backpack was designed for the PLC by Paul Stewart – EMT Houlton, ME. 

To order Click HERE

Now FREE to Maine Loggers! A $300 value!


Maine News

Vermont News

Member Benefits

PLC Members Only!

Equipment Cost Calculators Available


With expenses rising rapidly in the industry we know you are struggling to get a handle on your costs. This is a great time to utilize the cost calculators created in 2021 for PLC Members.

These new, easy to use, logging equipment and log trucking cost calculators are available on the PLC Members Only section of our web site You may access this private section of the web site with your member login or set up a login HERE.

These calculators allow you to quickly estimate the hourly cost of operation for any piece of your equipment.

DISCLAIMER: These calculators are being made available for your business use as a member benefit. They produce equipment estimates and are not official products of the PLC nor should they be used for negotiation purposes.

PLC Online Store

Looking for great PLC items and apparel? Gifts? First Aid packs, safety items and more? You will find them at the new PLC Online Store on our web site. Ordering is easy.


ALC Member Discounts

PLC Members, because the PLC is a member of the American Loggers Council YOU are entitled to special discounts! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Fabian Oil Discount

Wallingford’s Discounts

Dirigo Waste Oil 

10% Discount on new furnaces. Contact Justin at 207-873-0881.

Maine Trailer Discounts

PLC Members get a 5% discount on culverts purchased at Treeline and Frank Martin & Sons

Hale Trailer discounts for PLC Members on new trailer purchases! Call Neal at 207-232-7969 for details!


Cross Arena Discounts for PLC! 

PLC Classified Section

Check out the equipment and job opportunities our members have listed at the LOGGING ZONE! 
If you are interested in placing a classified ad, please contact PLC Northeast by Email – office@plcloggers.org or call Vanessa at 207-688-8195.

Preferred Supporting Members

Enhanced Supporting Members