207-688-8195 Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast

PLC Events

PLC 2024 Log A Load Golf Tournaments – Register And Sponsor Now

Team spots sell out quickly, so register now!

The PLC is excited to announce that it is time to register for the 2024 Log A Load for Kids Golf Tournaments! This year, the tournaments will be held Aug. 23 in Lovell, ME and Sept. 13 in Lincoln, ME. Register now and let’s help the kids and their families! Links for registration and sponsorship opportunities are below. See you at the tournaments!

Aug. 23, Kezar Lake Country Club, Lovell

Sept. 13, JATO Highlands Golf Course, Lincoln

If you prefer to register by mail, print and fill out the registration form on the pdfs below:

Southern Tournament Info and Registration Form-2024

Northern Tournament Info and Registration Form – 2024

Logging News

PLC and MLOFT Interview with George Hale and Ric Tyler





NH Biomass Markets

In 2023, New Hampshire biomass plants used a little over 1 million green tons of wood fuel to make electricity; this is the lowest statewide volume since at least 1997.  Over 70 percent of this use was at a single facility – Burgess Biopower in Berlin, NH.

This is a dramatic drop from just a few years ago – in 2019 over 2.9 million green tons of biomass were used statewide.  That’s a drop of nearly 1.9 million green tons, a little over 62,000 truckloads annually, or 170 truckloads daily.


White House Weighs in on Voluntary Carbon Markets 

Up until now, the Biden Administration has largely stayed away from trying to tinker with carbon markets. Recently the White House announced guidelines to strengthen themarket for voluntary carbon market offsets. Offsets allow companies or individuals to buy credits tied to emissions reductions created by projects that remove carbon from the atmosphere. Forest carbon offsets, created when a forest owner agrees to long-term changes in forest management to increase carbon sequestration and storage, are the majority offset category. The new federal guidelines are an attempt to define offsets that are “high-integrity,” meaning they can deliver real and quantifiable emissions reductions for projects that wouldn’t have happened otherwise. Last year, $1.7 billion was spent in the voluntary carbon market globally.

Voluntary carbon offsets have come under significant criticism over the past few years because, at their best, carbon offsets allow companies that are trying to reduce their environmental impact to do it faster. At their worst, carbon offsets have been criticizedas the ultimate greenwashing tool. They can give companies that don’t want to abandon fossil fuels a way to claim they’re helping to curb emissions, when they aren’t actually reducing their emissions of greenhouse gases – only taking credit for the offsets they have purchased. Since the White House put out guidelines only – not holding the force of regulations – it is not clear if they will have an effect on the quality of the offsets created.

The Logger’s Voice – Spring 2024 Edition

Maine News

Vermont News

Member Benefits

ALC Member Discounts

PLC Members, because the PLC is a member of the American Loggers Council YOU are entitled to special discounts! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE

Fabian Oil Discount

Wallingford’s Discounts

Dirigo Waste Oil 

10% Discount on new furnaces. Contact Justin at 207-873-0881.

Maine Trailer Discounts

PLC Members get a 5% discount on culverts purchased at Treeline and Frank Martin & Sons

Hale Trailer discounts for PLC Members on new trailer purchases! Call Neal at 207-232-7969 for details!


Cross Arena Discounts for PLC! 

PLC Classified Section

Check out the equipment and job opportunities our members have listed at the LOGGING ZONE! 
If you are interested in placing a classified ad, please contact PLC Northeast by Email – office@plcloggers.org or call Vanessa at 207-688-8195.

Preferred Supporting Members

Enhanced Supporting Members