Professional Logging Contractors (PLC) of Maine holds Log A Load for Maine Kids Southern Maine Golf Tournament
LOVELL– The Professional Logging Contractors (PLC) of Maine held its annual Log A Load for Maine Kids Southern Maine Golf Tournament Friday, Aug. 28 in Lovell, raising $27,643 for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals in Maine.
Last year the PLC expanded its fund-raising efforts to hold two Log A Load golf tournaments, adding a new southern tournament at the Kezar Lake Country Club in Lovell, Maine in addition to the annual northern tournament at JATO Highlands Golf Course in Lincoln, Maine. The northern Maine tournament will be held on Sept. 18.
The PLC has partnered with the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland for the new southern tournament, and despite the complications of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, funds raised for the 2020 event exceeded those raised in 2019.
“The generosity of the PLC’s members, friends, and supporters is particularly inspiring this year, with every individual, business, and organization that stepped up to participate in this effort dealing with unprecedented challenges as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,” PLC Executive Director Dana Doran said. “Financially this is the toughest year our industry has experienced in living memory, yet this group always comes through and continues to devote an incredible amount of time, effort, and resources to the Log A Load cause.”
Funds raised in the two golf tournaments will be disbursed equally to the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital at Maine Medical Center in Portland and Northern Light, Eastern Maine Medical Center in Bangor.
The South Carolina Forestry Association started the Log A Load for Kids program in 1988. Originally, the concept was for loggers, wood-supplying businesses, and other industry supporters in various states including Maine to donate the value of a load of logs to their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.
Nationally, Log A Load for Kids is a leader in CMN Hospitals’ fundraising, raising more than $2 million annually through golf tournaments, fishing events, dinners, truckloads of log donations and other events.
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