MFS Announces Portable Skidder Bridge Cost-Share Program
For the Sebago lake and Presumpscot river watersheds
Of all aspects of timber harvesting, stream crossings have the greatest potential to negatively impact water quality. Using portable bridges for temporary stream crossings is one of the most cost effective, simplest, and most environmentally friendly ways to cross streams. This Maine Forest Service project will help loggers and others involved with harvesting timber in the Sebago Lake and Presumpscot River watersheds purchase portable bridges for use on forestry operations.
Who is eligible to apply?
Certified Logging Professionals, Master Loggers and forestry service providers based within 25 miles of the Sebago/Presumpscot watersheds or who have been listed on a forest operations notification for a harvest in the Sebago/Presumpscot watershed since January 1 2009. Forestry service providers include private consulting foresters and companies owned by or employing licensed foresters.
Program funds are limited and applications will be accepted on a first come-first-served basis.
For full program detail, including a map of the eligibility area, application and minimum bridge specifications visit MSF Portable Skidder Website or contact Keith Kanoti at (207) 287-1073 or by email.