October 12 is National Logger’s Day

AUGUSTA, ME – In recognition of Saturday, Oct. 12 as “National Logger’s Day,” the Professional Logging Contractors (PLC) of the Northeast encourages the public and the region’s lawmakers to support loggers and forest truckers and recognize their importance to the culture, economy, and forest health of the Northeast.

National Loggers Day was first observed in October 2022, thanks to the efforts of the PLC, the American Loggers Council (ALC), and legislators including Senators Susan Collins (R-ME) and Angus King (I-ME) as well as Congressman Jared Golden (D-ME). President Joe Biden issued a letter of recognition and support for the day that same year.

This year, Senator Collins and Senator Tammy Baldwin (D-WI) co-sponsored a resolution in the Senate to once again designate Oct. 12 National Logger’s Day.

“Loggers are vital to the culture, economy, and forest health of the United States, and recognition of their importance and contributions is long overdue,” Dana Doran, Executive Director of the Professional Logging Contractors of the Northeast (PLC), said. “We are grateful to Senators Susan Collins and Tammy Baldwin for co-sponsoring this resolution to remind Americans that loggers and forest truckers are out there working hard every day to supply the raw material for products they need while maintaining the health of our forests for future generations.”

This year, at the urging of the PLC, Governors Janet Mills of Maine and Phil Scott of Vermont have also each proclaimed Oct. 12 as “Logger’s Day” in their states to coincide with the national day.

The governors’ proclamations recognize logging’s importance as an economic driver and cultural tradition in the states, as well as a source of renewable material for products used daily by residents. They also recognize loggers for providing responsible forest management that leads to healthy forests that maintain vital animal habitats, protect watersheds, sequester carbon, provide recreational opportunities, and limit wildfires.

The Maine proclamation may be viewed HERE.

The Vermont proclamation may be viewed HERE.

“The recognition these proclamations provide to Maine and Vermont’s logging industries is long overdue and we applaud Gov. Mills and Gov. Scott for supporting our efforts to establish Oct. 12 as both a national and state day to acknowledge the contributions of loggers and forest truckers,” Dana Doran, Executive Director of the PLC, said. “We encourage all citizens of the Northeast to remember our hard-working loggers and forest truckers on Logger’s Day and to recognize that these small family businesses are supporting our rural economies, providing jobs, and supplying citizens with products they need daily in their lives.”

In the Northeast, logging provides rural jobs and revenue for local and state governments as well as state and national forests. Logging also provides renewable material for products and energy used by citizens every day. It is the means by which healthy forest management plans are implemented, recreational opportunities are preserved, and the carbon sequestration value of forests is maintained.

Though consistently ranked as one of the most satisfying careers in the United States, logging is a challenging and demanding profession, and the rising operating costs of the industry as well as market losses, over-regulation, and aging of the workforce are all threats to its future.

Founded in Maine in 1995 by a handful of loggers who were concerned about the future of the logging and forest trucking industry, the PLC has grown steadily to become a regional trade association which provides independent logging contractors and truckers in the Northeast a voice in the rapidly changing forest products industry. Board membership consists of only loggers, making it an organization that is run by loggers on behalf of loggers.

Learn more about the PLC at www.plcloggers.org

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