Good Day,
Here are three videos for you and your employees to review. They are unlisted YouTube links that you can copy and paste into texts or emails to share with your team. The first video is a brief overview of frostbite, highlighting its causes, symptoms, and 1st aid treatments. The second video comes from our “Unsafe Zone” series and discusses the importance of always wearing your PPE, especially well-fitting safety glasses. The last video is the second episode in our “Winter Safety” discussion, which runs for about 12 minutes. Enjoy, and remember to think safe, work safe, and be safe!
We are always looking for stories to share for the Unsafe videos. If you have an injury story you’d like to share that could help others, please contact me, and we will produce a video.
-Donald Burr, Safety and Training Consultant
A video under 4 minutes for contractors & employees discussing frostbite.
Un-Safe Zone
A 3-minute video for employees talking about the importance of safety glasses with Tony Madden.
Winter Safety Reminder
A 12-minute video for contractors and employees with Winter safety reminders.
OSHA 300A reporting
Attention: There are two different tracks for OSHA 300A reporting. Depending on how many employees you have, will tell you which track to take.
Track A: 10 to 19 employees need to post the paper 300A form at their workplace in a public location by February 1st, 2025, and it needs to be left up until April 1st, 2025.
Track B: 20 to 249 employees need to fill out the electronic form by March 2, 2025.
Electronic form:
March 2, 2025, is the deadline for electronically filing the 300A (the log of work-related injuries and illnesses) with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) if your company has 20 or more employees and your company is engaged in forestry. This form must be filled out annually as long as your company meets the aforementioned criteria. The link for more information and to submit your injury/illness information electronically can be found here:
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